Monday, May 20, 2013


Anyone fighting cancer is truly a warrior in my book.  It takes a lot to fight for your life, not knowing what will happen.  I read an article on a spectacular woman that overcame the fight and lives her days telling her survival story to give other people hope and inspiration. She had a baby, then got cancer.  Being sick is never fun when you have a new baby in your life, but she fought hard and made it to see her little girl grow up.  Her story is so amazing.  I am so glad that she is able to share her life with others to give them hope.

 I lost my cousin when she was 10 years old from leukemia.  I've lost other family members to other types of cancer, too.  Being the one on the outside looking in is difficult too, but what I have known is that the ones that have passed fought long and hard.  They did not give up, they tried to live their lives acting as if nothing was wrong with them.  They smiled through the pain, laughed through the struggles, and showed no fear.  When someone survives through cancer, it's truly a miracle that must be shared with others that are struggling or other people that have family or friends going through the battle.  Never give up hope, no matter what you are told.  In life, this is a lesson that life has unexpected turns and all you can do is make the best of it and live life to the fullest!  

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