Hi! My name is Jackie Tacotaco. I am a mother of a very active 6-year-old boy named Bryant. I am currently attending Hawaii Pacific University to earn a Bachelor's degree in journalism. Being a mom and a college student is not the easiest task in the world but my son is my inspiration. I used to attend HPU back in 2001-2003, but I moved to the mainland for six years. When my son turned two years old, I decided to return to Hawaii and finish my college career. Going back to college was a decision that I made so that I could get a better job and support my son the best way I can. I recently quit my job at Target as a guest service team member and team trainer so that I can take more classes to fulfill my graduation requirements and graduate a year earlier. My mother, father and boyfriend have been very helpful in my recent change in employment, and I thank them so much for their love and support. Even though I have help, I still have the everyday challenge of being a parent. I am the sole caregiver of my son, almost like a single parent, but I try my best each day to love and care for my son. I often call myself "supermom" because of all the different tasks and challenges that I overcome on a daily basis. It's not easy but nobody said that life would be easy! My advice for everyone: no goal is out of your reach because you choose your fate and you can always change your future.
Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring. -Lorrin L. Lee
Monday, September 9, 2013
Let me reintroduce myself...
Things have changed since my first blog so I might as well update my introduction.
Hi! My name is Jackie Tacotaco. I am a mother of a very active 6-year-old boy named Bryant. I am currently attending Hawaii Pacific University to earn a Bachelor's degree in journalism. Being a mom and a college student is not the easiest task in the world but my son is my inspiration. I used to attend HPU back in 2001-2003, but I moved to the mainland for six years. When my son turned two years old, I decided to return to Hawaii and finish my college career. Going back to college was a decision that I made so that I could get a better job and support my son the best way I can. I recently quit my job at Target as a guest service team member and team trainer so that I can take more classes to fulfill my graduation requirements and graduate a year earlier. My mother, father and boyfriend have been very helpful in my recent change in employment, and I thank them so much for their love and support. Even though I have help, I still have the everyday challenge of being a parent. I am the sole caregiver of my son, almost like a single parent, but I try my best each day to love and care for my son. I often call myself "supermom" because of all the different tasks and challenges that I overcome on a daily basis. It's not easy but nobody said that life would be easy! My advice for everyone: no goal is out of your reach because you choose your fate and you can always change your future.
Hi! My name is Jackie Tacotaco. I am a mother of a very active 6-year-old boy named Bryant. I am currently attending Hawaii Pacific University to earn a Bachelor's degree in journalism. Being a mom and a college student is not the easiest task in the world but my son is my inspiration. I used to attend HPU back in 2001-2003, but I moved to the mainland for six years. When my son turned two years old, I decided to return to Hawaii and finish my college career. Going back to college was a decision that I made so that I could get a better job and support my son the best way I can. I recently quit my job at Target as a guest service team member and team trainer so that I can take more classes to fulfill my graduation requirements and graduate a year earlier. My mother, father and boyfriend have been very helpful in my recent change in employment, and I thank them so much for their love and support. Even though I have help, I still have the everyday challenge of being a parent. I am the sole caregiver of my son, almost like a single parent, but I try my best each day to love and care for my son. I often call myself "supermom" because of all the different tasks and challenges that I overcome on a daily basis. It's not easy but nobody said that life would be easy! My advice for everyone: no goal is out of your reach because you choose your fate and you can always change your future.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The different types of moms
A mom can be any of the moms below! Supermoms can be any or all of these below! The point is that being a mom is NOT easy but we all do out best! Go supermoms!
To the mom who's breastfeeding: Way to go! It really is an amazing gift to give your baby, for any amount of time that you can manage! You're a good mom.
To the mom who's formula feeding: Isn't science amazing? To think there was a time when a baby with a mother who couldn't produce enough would suffer, but now? Better living through chemistry! You're a good mom.
To the cloth diapering mom: Fluffy bums are the cutest, and so friendly on the bank account. You're a good mom.
To the disposable diapering mom: Damn those things hold a lot, and it's excellent to not worry about leakage and laundry! You're a good mom.
To the mom who stays home: I can imagine it isn't easy doing what you do, but to spend those precious years with your babies must be amazing. You're a good mom.
To the mom who works: It's wonderful that you're sticking to your career, you're a positive role model for your children in so many ways, it's fantastic. You're a good mom.
To the mom who had to feed her kids from the drive thru all week because you're too worn out to cook or go grocery shopping: You're feeding your kids, and hey, I bet they aren't complaining! Sometimes sanity can indeed be found in a red box with a big yellow M on it. You're a good mom.
To the mom who gave her kids a homecooked breakfast lunch and dinner for the past week: Excellent! Good nutrition is important, and they're learning to enjoy healthy foods at an early age, a boon for the rest of their lives. You're a good mom.
To the mom with the kids who are sitting quietly and using their manners in the fancy restaurant: Kudos, it takes a lot to maintain order with children in a place where they can't run around. You're a good mom.
To the mom with the toddler having a meltdown in the cereal aisle: they always seem to pick the most embarrassing places to lose their minds don't they? We've all been through it. You're a good mom.
To the moms who judge other moms for ANY of the above? Glass houses, friend. Glass houses.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
I AM a good mom
Until today, I didn't realize how much work I have done to be a mom and how good of a job I have done. I have tried my best and I didn't give up even when I felt like I did. I used to blame myself for my son's disability but it wasn't any one's fault. I tried to stay strong whenever I could, even if it made me sick.
This month hopefully brings new starts and new beginnings. My son just barely started taking medicine to treat his ADHD/ODD symptoms. This is a big thing for me because I was completely against putting my son on any strong pharmaceutical drugs. I was afraid of the side effects that it could create. He lasted two years without a psychiatrist. He started therapy with a psychologist and it helped him a lot. His anger wasn't as bad and his impulses lessened. After graduating from kindergarten at a private school, I decided to have him repeat kindergarten at a new school, a public school. I felt bad because I was holding him back but I am so glad of my decision because he was struggling with his work and now he is so successful. Being born in December might be a reason for his learning abilities but I never blamed anyone for it. Raising a child with ADHD is difficult enough, but raising a child with ODD is so stressful. Many people have heard of ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but not many people have heard of ODD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder. It's much more different than a disobedient child. Sometimes, it can be from an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. I struggled with my son for two years now, and I started him on holistic medicine that was made by a holistic doctor. It helped a little bit, but I felt like I was just trying to let my son work out his frustrations with his psychologist. After trying out the holistic approach for eight months, I finally chose the pharmaceutical route. The psychiatrist was very emotionless, which kind of scared me, but at least he was not reacting to my son's erratic behavior. When I say erratic, I mean that he was throwing a ball around, moving chairs and couldn't keep still. It was very embarrassing but at least the doctor could see what I was dealing with. It broke my heart when I realized that all the behaviors that I checked off on the list was all but a few that dealt with stealing and running away. I finally accepted that my son's ODD was probably genetic from his paternal side and I had to face it now before it got any worse. I think that was also the point when I realized that my son needed something to help him function better so that he would be able to learn better and lead a more peaceful life. After picking up the medicine, I prayed that it would work and wouldn't hurt him.
It's been six days since he's taken the medicine, and I have not had one bad remark about him since then. I was so used to getting a phone call from the office or the teacher pulling me aside after class that it was a shock and a relief to hear that his behavior had improved much better. My biggest fear was that my active and sweet little boy would become lethargic like a zombie, but it was better because his sweet side shined and he was able to focus better in class. I look to this as an answer to my prayers because was crying every night before I went to bed. Not many people understand the difficulty of raising a child with behavior issues. It's not because I'm a bad parent, it's because he had something that he could not control on his own. Some people think very negatively about ODD, but now that I have a child with this disorder, I think otherwise because it is actually a disability. I hope that some people think twice about a child if he or she is misbehaving. If the parent is struggling and looks exhausted, it might not just be a child acting badly, it might be more than that. The child might not have control of his or her actions. Children with autism are sometimes looked at badly but it's not their fault that they can't help what they can or can't control. The parents of children with disabilities should be applauded because they have the hardest job.
Another difficult job is being a single parent. Sure, I have my boyfriend helping me but since he's working on a different island, I feel like a single parent all over again. I'm so lucky to have found someone to love me and also love my son like his own because I made it clear that I come with baggage. He has been in my son's life since my son was a year old. Last month, my boyfriend had to work on a different island and my son took it very hard, acting out badly in school and at home. I really felt like a single parent then because I did it all on my own while taking two summer school courses.
You see, I had to act as a single mom of a child with ADHD and ODD last month and it was not the easiest task in the world. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. Being a mom is a 24/7 job. Being a parent of a child with disabilities takes over your life. Being a single parent takes dedication and hard work. Being a college mom means learning how to balance your priorities and putting your child before anything and everything.
It took many meltdowns and crying to my friends to make me realize that I am not a failure. They remind me that I am a good parent for trying to take care of my son now rather than later. They tell me that I have done the right thing for seeking help in any way possible. They tell me that I am unselfish and loving for quitting my job to take care of my son and to finish school to give him a better life.
I have finally realized that I AM a good parent.
This month hopefully brings new starts and new beginnings. My son just barely started taking medicine to treat his ADHD/ODD symptoms. This is a big thing for me because I was completely against putting my son on any strong pharmaceutical drugs. I was afraid of the side effects that it could create. He lasted two years without a psychiatrist. He started therapy with a psychologist and it helped him a lot. His anger wasn't as bad and his impulses lessened. After graduating from kindergarten at a private school, I decided to have him repeat kindergarten at a new school, a public school. I felt bad because I was holding him back but I am so glad of my decision because he was struggling with his work and now he is so successful. Being born in December might be a reason for his learning abilities but I never blamed anyone for it. Raising a child with ADHD is difficult enough, but raising a child with ODD is so stressful. Many people have heard of ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but not many people have heard of ODD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder. It's much more different than a disobedient child. Sometimes, it can be from an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. I struggled with my son for two years now, and I started him on holistic medicine that was made by a holistic doctor. It helped a little bit, but I felt like I was just trying to let my son work out his frustrations with his psychologist. After trying out the holistic approach for eight months, I finally chose the pharmaceutical route. The psychiatrist was very emotionless, which kind of scared me, but at least he was not reacting to my son's erratic behavior. When I say erratic, I mean that he was throwing a ball around, moving chairs and couldn't keep still. It was very embarrassing but at least the doctor could see what I was dealing with. It broke my heart when I realized that all the behaviors that I checked off on the list was all but a few that dealt with stealing and running away. I finally accepted that my son's ODD was probably genetic from his paternal side and I had to face it now before it got any worse. I think that was also the point when I realized that my son needed something to help him function better so that he would be able to learn better and lead a more peaceful life. After picking up the medicine, I prayed that it would work and wouldn't hurt him.
It's been six days since he's taken the medicine, and I have not had one bad remark about him since then. I was so used to getting a phone call from the office or the teacher pulling me aside after class that it was a shock and a relief to hear that his behavior had improved much better. My biggest fear was that my active and sweet little boy would become lethargic like a zombie, but it was better because his sweet side shined and he was able to focus better in class. I look to this as an answer to my prayers because was crying every night before I went to bed. Not many people understand the difficulty of raising a child with behavior issues. It's not because I'm a bad parent, it's because he had something that he could not control on his own. Some people think very negatively about ODD, but now that I have a child with this disorder, I think otherwise because it is actually a disability. I hope that some people think twice about a child if he or she is misbehaving. If the parent is struggling and looks exhausted, it might not just be a child acting badly, it might be more than that. The child might not have control of his or her actions. Children with autism are sometimes looked at badly but it's not their fault that they can't help what they can or can't control. The parents of children with disabilities should be applauded because they have the hardest job.
Another difficult job is being a single parent. Sure, I have my boyfriend helping me but since he's working on a different island, I feel like a single parent all over again. I'm so lucky to have found someone to love me and also love my son like his own because I made it clear that I come with baggage. He has been in my son's life since my son was a year old. Last month, my boyfriend had to work on a different island and my son took it very hard, acting out badly in school and at home. I really felt like a single parent then because I did it all on my own while taking two summer school courses.
You see, I had to act as a single mom of a child with ADHD and ODD last month and it was not the easiest task in the world. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world. Being a mom is a 24/7 job. Being a parent of a child with disabilities takes over your life. Being a single parent takes dedication and hard work. Being a college mom means learning how to balance your priorities and putting your child before anything and everything.
It took many meltdowns and crying to my friends to make me realize that I am not a failure. They remind me that I am a good parent for trying to take care of my son now rather than later. They tell me that I have done the right thing for seeking help in any way possible. They tell me that I am unselfish and loving for quitting my job to take care of my son and to finish school to give him a better life.
I have finally realized that I AM a good parent.
Monday, September 2, 2013
Fysiko Lash Growth Serum: Going on Week 15
So, I tried out this amazing product called Fysiko Lash Growth Serum for about 15 weeks and my eyelashes look amazing! It was so easy to apply on my eyelash lines, top and bottom. I even applied it on my eyebrows where I over plucked. I put it on in the morning and at night before I put on any makeup. I hardly wore mascara, and when I did put on mascara, I didn't have to buy those expensive lengthening mascaras. regular mascara just accentuated the length that I gained. I love the fullness of my lashes now. I have been fortunate to have participated in this review and it has benefited me so much! Mascara or not, I have fuller, longer lashes thanks to Fysiko Lash Growth Serum!
Here's another picture showing the difference of my lashes close-up:
What a difference, huh? Before, I could barely see my lashes! Now, they look amazing!
If you want longer, fuller lashes, please try this product!!
I highly recommend it!
Check out the website for more information: http://bit.ly/YfBo6O
Want to see more reviews? Check out http://bit.ly/XHai4P

I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.
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